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School of Integrated Technology

Culture Program

Culture Program

The Graduate Program of Culture Technology focuses on integration between computational/information technology and culture, and aims to foster students so that they can become the professionals who lead Culture Technology (CT), by training them through specialized tracks, Media Technology, Intelligent Interaction Technology and Cultural Content Design.

Our Media Technology track allows students to acquire core information technology (e.g., computer graphics, augmented and virtual reality) for media contents. In our Intelligent Interaction Technology track, we focus on the design and development of intelligent systems and user interfaces that recognize users' intention and context based on artificial intelligence, cognitive science, human-computer interaction and sensor techniques. Culture Contents Design provides education that can foster the ability to create creative cultural contents as new expression forms by integrating recent storytelling theories, interaction methods, and media technologies.

The enrolled students can choose a main track that matches their interests and goals, and also have opportunity of studying a variety of classes related to Culture Technology.
